Chassis Management
- show chassis alarm
- show chassis craft-interface
- set chassis display message “M40e unit for swap”
- show chassis environment
- show chassis temperature-thresholds
- show chassis routing-engine
- show chassis hardware
- show chassis fpc
- show chassis fpc detail
- show chassis fpc pic-status
- show chassis pic fpc-slot 0 pic-slot 1
- show chassis mac-addresses
- show chassis [feb | scb | ssb | sfm slot]
Check the Logs
- show log messages
- show log file-name
- show log cli
- show log chassisd
- show log install
- show log debug
- show log messages?
- show log inventory
- monitor start file-name
- monitor stop
- help syslog
System Management
- show host
- show version
- show system software
- show system uptime
- show system processes
- show system statistics
- show system connections
- show system users
- show system storage
- show system boot-messages
- show system virtual-memory
- request system reboot
- request system halt
- request system reboot
- request system snapshot
- request support information
- request system software add <pkgname>
- restart <process> [ gracefully, immediately, soft]
- request chassis routing-engine diagnostics all
OSPF Commands
- show ospf neighbor
- show ospf neighbor extensive
- clear ospf neighbor
- show ospf statistics
- show ospf interface
- show ospf interface extensive
- show ospf route
- show route protocol ospf
- show ospf database
- show ospf database summary
- show ospf database brief
- clear ospf database purge
- show ospf database
- show ospf database router advertising-router detail
- show ospf database router area 0 extensive
- show ospf database area 0 lsa-id extensive
- show ospf log
- show bfd session
IS-IS Commands
- show isis adjacency
- show isis adjacency extensive
- clear isis adjacency
- show isis interface
- show isis interface details
- show isis hostname
- show isis spf log
- show isis statistics
- show isis route
- show route protocol isis
- show isis database
- show isis database detail
- show isis database GRTMADPE2 detail
- show isis database extensive [level 1 | 2]
BGP ( Border Gateway Protocol) Commands
- show bgp summary
- show bgp group
- show bgp neighbor
- show route next-hop database
- show route protocol bgp
- show route protocol bgp terse
- show route receive-protocol bgp
- show route advertising-protocol bgp
- show route detail 10.10.1/24
- show route hidden
- show route community <reg-ex>
- show route terse community-name <name>
- show route aspath-regex “regex”
- show route damping [history|decayed|surpressed]
- clear bgp damping
- clear bgp neighbor soft inbound
QOS ( Quality of Service Commands)
- show interface xx-x/x/x detail
- show interface queue xx-x/x/x
- show interfaces so-1/0/0 extensive
- show class-of-service interfaces so-1/0/0
- show class-of-service code-point-aliases
- show class-of-service code-point-aliases dscp
- show class-of-service code-point-aliases inet-prec
- show class-of-service code-point-aliases exp
- show class-of-service forwarding-class
- show class-of-service classifier [name]
- show class-of-service scheduler-map
- show class-of-service rewrite-rule
- show class-of-service drop-profile
- show class-of-service forwarding-table
- show class-of-service forwarding-table classifier mapping
- show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map
- show igmp interface
- show igmp group
- show igmp statistics
- show pim interface
- show pim neighbors
- show pim statistics
- show pim join extensive
- clear pim join
- show pim source detail
- show pim rps
- show pim bootstrap
- show multicast usage
- show multicast rpf
- show multicast route
- show route table inet.1
- show multicast next-hops
- show msdp
- show msdp source-active
- show route table inet.4
- show multicast rpf inet summary
Firewall Commands
- show interfaces filters
- show firewall
- show firewall filter <filter-name>
- show firewall filter <name> prefix-action <psa-name> from 1 to 8
- show firewall log
- show log <log-file-name>
- clear firewall <name>
- show policer
- show interface policer fe-0/1/0
- show log /var/tmp/<sample file>
- show log sampled
MPLS Commands
- show mpls interface
- show mpls lsp
- show mpls lsp extensive
- show mpls lsp ingress
- show mpls lsp transit
- clear mpls lsp [optimize|optimze-aggressive]
- show ted database
MPLS-RSVP Commands
- show rsvp interface
- show rsvp neighbor
- show rsvp session
- show rsvp session ingress
- show rsvp version
- show route table mpls.0
- show route table inet.3
MPLS LDP Commands
- show ldp neighbors
- show ldp session
- show ldp database [session peer]
VPN Commands
- show route table vpn-a
- show route table vpn-a hidden
- show route forwarding-table vpn vpn-a
- ping x.x.x.x routing-instance vpn-a
- traceroute x.x.x.x routing-instance vpn-a
- telnet x.x.x.x routing-instance vpn-a
- ping mpls l3vpn vpn-a prefix 172.20.4/24
- show route table bgp.l3vpn.0
- show route advertising-protocol bgp x.x.x.x
- show route receive-protocol bgp x.x.x.x
- show arp
- clear arp vpn vpn-a
OSPF VPN Commands
- show ospf interface instance vpn-a
- show ospf neighbor instance vpn-a
- show ospf database instance vpn-a
L2 VPN Commands
- show l2vpn connections
- show route table vpn-a
- show route table bgp.l2vpn.0
- show route advertising-protocol bgp x.x.x.x
- show route receive-protocol bgp x.x.x.x
- show route table mpls.o
- show route forwarding-table family mpls
- ping mpls l2vpn instance vpn-a remote-site-id 2 local-site-id 1
- ping mpls l2vpn interface fe-0/0/0.512
Martini Show Commands
- show l2circuit connections
- show ldp neighbor detail
- show ldp database